
SchoolDocs' Product Strategy

A blueprint for innovation: Our work with SchoolDocs has redefined their product strategy, moving from market saturation to uncovering new growth opportunities.


SchoolDocs helps schools across Aotearoa meet the requirements of a complex New Zealand education environment. Educators can access and review a library of tailorable policies and procedures easily and quickly, saving time and reducing costs. It helps them focus on the important business of teaching and learning.


Support SchoolDocs expand out of market saturation

Through the clear need SchoolDocs fulfils, supporting educators with complex educational policy, it’s grown to the point where it now works with most schools across the motu. 

Prompted by a need to modernise their technology base, and build technical and product management capability, SchoolDocs approached us to develop a product strategy addressing three main challenges: 

  1. Stay relevant in the face of AI, changing technology and potential competition.
  2. Identify ways to better support schools, and new revenue opportunities to expand out of market saturation.
  3. Deliver capability, capacity and technology change.


Understand schools’ needs to inspire innovation

To understand policy pain points for schools and opportunities for SchoolDocs we needed to hear directly from teachers and principals. 

We interviewed educators in kura kaupapa Māori, public schools and private schools, to understand: 

  • What motivates people to choose SchoolDocs
  • How does SchoolDocs deliver on those motivations
  • Where are there gaps and opportunities in the product. 

Workshops with the technology and content teams at SchoolDocs helped us understand their perspectives, challenges and perceptions of the opportunities. 

A novel approach combining Jobs to be Done research (understanding the drivers of choice) and customer experience (CX) research uncovered clear opportunities for SchoolDocs to explore: growing their business whilst helping teachers and principals fulfil critical, but challenging policy tasks. Principals and teachers want: 

  • To clarify quickly on the relationship between the policy ‘why’ and the procedure ‘how’
  • Help automating and managing their policy workload
  • A single source of truth for policies and procedures
  • A sense of control over and understanding of the shifting policy landscape as it applies to their school.

This research gave us concrete insights into opportunities for SchoolDocs:

  • Reducing time burden on principals by evolving the SchoolDocs product
  • Helping teachers find answers more quickly through use of AI and improved user experience.  

To visualise all the foundational building blocks SchoolDocs needed, the value SchoolDocs could add to current services, and the future-focused innovation opportunities ahead, we used the 3 horizons model. This communicated the gaps, challenges and exciting future SchoolDocs can aim for in a succinct, easy-to-understand way.


Saving time for teachers whilst growing revenue

  • An evidence-based product strategy to help SchoolDocs better support schools and grow their revenue.
  • A 3 horizons model transforming the way SchoolDocs think about their business and their product. 
  • Practical insights into a pure customer perspective to identify problems SchoolDocs could solve. 
  • Creating culture change within School Docs to support them to become a truly customer-centred organisation.

In the words of


Working with Steve and the team at Purple Shirt has been revolutionary for SchoolDocs. They have helped us recognise the potential of our product, providing insightful, client-focused evidence and data that has supported us to scale and transform. The quality of engagement with Steve and the Purple Shirt team has been exceptional. Their passion for customer experience has inspired us to be bold and ambitious about our business, fostering a renewed sense of purpose across our whole company.

Jane Gregg

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